Denis Allard
Senior Associate, Real Estate Broker
- Main Line +1 514 392 1330
- Direct Line +1 514 392 9395
- Email [email protected]
- Montreal
- 1801 McGill College Avenue
- Suite 500
Montréal, Québec H3A 2N4 Canada
Denis Allard joined the Devencore team in 2003. During this period, he had the privilege of advising several business leaders in a multitude of very varied files. Denis joined the ranks of Avison Young when Avison Young and Devencore combined their operations in 2021.
Working in office and industrial real estate, Denis has worked closely with companies involved in the manufacture, distribution, service and warehousing of various products, as well as in high-tech research and development activities.
The solutions provided by Denis have enabled business leaders to improve the planning of their real estate transactions: relocation, lease renewals, acquisition and custom construction. Thoughtful and disciplined, his goal is to provide effective and profitable solutions on behalf of his clients.
OACIQ (Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec)
Client List
- Garda Sécurité
- Métro Richelieu
- Sogefi