Claire Paraskeva
Business Rates
- Direct Line +44 (0)113 280 8052
- Mobile +44 (0)7785261039
- Email [email protected]
- Leeds
- 6th Floor
- 1 City Square
Leeds, LS1 2AL UK
Claire has spent more than 20 years with the firm, working principally with Police, Fire, Ambulance and NHS Services throughout the UK. She is national Lead Director and principal point of contact for the Emergency Services.
Claire is a business rates mitigation expert for key clients in the Public Sector; including NHS Trusts, NHS Property Services, all 7 Welsh Health Boards and numerous Fire and Police Authorities. She has a detailed knowledge of the issues affecting the rating valuation of specialist classes of property such as Hospitals, Health Centres and Doctor’s Surgeries and has produced efficiency savings for the Emergency Services in excess of £500 million to date.