211 - 240 of 3468 Search results
John Bencivenga
+1 813.280.8993 Tampa
Barbara Bennett
Assistant Property Manager
+1 281 501 4766 Houston Property Management
Jeff Bennett
Project Manager
+1 973 753 1092 New Jersey Project Management
Paul Bennett
+44 (0)20 7911 2867 London - Gresham Street Project Management
Marie-France Benoit, MBA
Principal, Director Market Intelligence, Canada
+1 514 392 5772 Montreal Research, Market Intelligence
Carol Bens
Assistant Property Manager
+1 954.903.1814 Fort Lauderdale Property Management
Brande Benson
Vice President
+1 865.450.8883 Knoxville Retail, Sales & Leasing, Tenant Representation, Retail Leasing
Mihai Berbece
Senior Industrial Consultant
+40 740 229 606 Bucharest Industrial
Reid J. Berch
516-962-5393 Long Island Industrial, Landlord Representation, Sales & Leasing
Monika Bereza
Project Manager, Technical Advisory
+48 22 230 2000 Poland, Warsaw Project Management
Janette Bergmann
Vice President
+1 314 785 7660 St. Louis Industrial, Property Management, Office
Andrew Berk
Principal, CA Lic #01369568
+1 323 603 5075 Los Angeles North Industrial, Office Leasing, Sales & Leasing
Jenna Berk
Senior Associate, Tenant Representation Broker
+1 202.936.7920 Washington, DC Tenant Representation
Peter Berk
+1 703.752.4920 Tysons Sales & Leasing
Margo "Meg" Berke
Manager, North American Revenue Operations
1.919.866.4268 Raleigh-Durham Corporate
Chad Bermingham
Vice President
+1 312 796 0361 Chicago Tenant Representation, Associations and Nonprofits
Sebastian Benno "Seb" Bernt
Market Intelligence Analyst - Southern California
+1 213 935 7430 West Los Angeles Market Intelligence
Emma Berry, LLB (Hons) MRICS
Principal - Head of North West - Real Estate Management
+44 (0)161 956 4135 Manchester, Liverpool Property Management
Howard Berry
Principal, Director, Data Center Solutions, CA License #01795693
+ 1 408 913 6931 Sacramento, San Francisco, Palo Alto-Silicon Valley Data Centers
Simon Berthiaume
Vice President, Real Estate Broker
+1 514 392 9479 Montreal Industrial, Office
Darrell L. Betts, CCIM
+1 713 993 7704 Houston Capital Markets Group
Jeffrey Bevins-Spitler
General Manager
Tysons Property Management
Harshit Bhatia
Junior Robotic Processor Automation Developer
+1 416.955.0000 Toronto Telecommunications & Technology
Loveleen Bhatti
Vice President
+1.403.232.4337 Calgary Office Leasing
Roseleen Bhatti
Vice President
+1.403.232.4325 Calgary Office Leasing
Amol Bhinder
Research Coordinator
+1 587.400.2415 Edmonton
Walter Bialas
Senior Insight Analyst
+1 214 974 9749 Dallas Research
Jacob Biddle
901.231.1404 Memphis Capital Markets Group, Consulting & Advisory, Sales & Leasing, Investment Sales
Traci Bidinger
Marketing Director
+1 202.644.8700 Washington, DC Capital Markets Group, Marketing
Tony Bienert
Director, Construction
+1 973 898 6360 New Jersey Construction Management