Project management case studies for commercial real estate properties
Gussco Manufacturing Inc.
- Lokalizacja: Cedar Grove, NJ
- Klient: Gussco Manufacturing Inc.
- Architekt: Jarmel Kizel
- Rozmiar: 150,000 sf
- Rodzaj Projektu: Relocation/New Building
- Rodzaj Usługi: Owner Representation
Avison Young was contracted by Gussco Manufacturing Inc. to oversee the relocation of their entire 120,000 sf manufacturing facility from Brooklyn, New York to Cedar Grove, New Jersey. The relocation process included the purchase of a new building, design and construction of a 100,000 sf manufacturing/office facility and the design, site approval and construction of a new 20,000 SF warehouse. Gussco occupied their new facility at the end of 2006 after construction was completed. Avison Young then worked with Riverdrive Construction on building a new 20,000 sf warehouse addition.