Commercial real estate news releases from Avison Young
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Tanium expands in Brain Park

Tanium expands in Brain Park
In 2023, we had pleasure to support Tanium in entering Polish market by conducting comprehensive research of the Poland’s regional markets and further negotiating office lease agreement in Brain Park in Krakow.
Now we are proud to announce that meanwhile Tanium expanded, and appreciated the location so much that they came back to us with another project – extension of their office space. The firm will occupy now 1,700 sqm GLA.
Again, thank you for your trust – Jake Semones and Dominika Byś-Gałązka (Tanium)!
Nicińska Joanna and Marcin Gawlik (Echo Investment Group) – thank you for great cooperation!
Many thanks to Tim Hogan (Avison Young | US) and Duncan Hamilton (Avison Young │ UK) for cooperation on this cross-border project!
Congratulations Maksymilian Sobczak & Filip Filipowicz for conducting the process!