Header credit Ryan Parker, courtesy of Unsplash
United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals


Our headline commitments fall under six key priorities, each aligned to the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs): Climate action, Ecological and urban resilience, Diversity and inclusion, Healthy and sustainable living, Social value and Community impact. We have identified the SDGs most relevant in the context of our organisation’s activities, either from a direct impact or through our ability to influence.
Carbon emissions
Clean water and sanitationindirect impact
Affordable and clean energydirect and indirect impact
Sustainable cities and communitiesindirect impact
Climate actiondirect impact
Life on landdirect impact
Peace, justice and strong institutionsdirect and indirect impact
Green buildings and performance
Clean water and sanitationindirect impact
Affordable and clean energydirect impact
Sustainable cities and communitiesdirect impact
Climate actiondirect impact
Life on landindirect impact
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Climate resilience and adaptation
Clean water and sanitationindirect impact
Affordable and clean energydirect impact
Sustainable cities and communitiesdirect impact
Climate actiondirect and indirect impact
Life on landindirect impact
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Talent attraction and knowledge
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Sustainable cities and communitiesdirect impact
Climate action
Life on land
Peace, justice and strong institutionsdirect impact
Diversity, equality and inclusion
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Sustainable cities and communitiesdirect impact
Climate action
Life on land
Peace, justice and strong institutionsdirect impact
Employee engagement, wellbeing and sustainable living
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Sustainable cities and communitiesdirect impact
Climate action
Life on land
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Community impact
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Sustainable cities and communitiesindirect impact
Climate actionindirect impact
Life on land
Peace, justice and strong institutionsindirect impact
Clean water
and sanitation
Affordable and
clean energy
Sustainable cities
and communities
Climate action
Life on land
Peace, justice and
strong institutions
Sustainable Development Goal
Carbon emissions
Clean water and sanitationindirect impact
Affordable and clean energydirect and indirect impact
Sustainable cities and communitiesindirect impact
Climate actiondirect impact
Life on landdirect impact
Peace, justice and strong institutionsdirect and indirect impact
Green buildings and performance
indirect impact
direct impact
direct impact
direct impact
indirect impact
Climate resilience and adaptation
indirect impact
direct impact
direct impact
direct and indirect impact
indirect impact
Talent attraction and knowledge
direct impact
direct impact
Diversity, equality and inclusion
direct impact
direct impact
Employee engagement, wellbeing and sustainable living
direct impact
Community impact
indirect impact
indirect impact
indirect impact
direct impactDirect impact
indirect impactIndirect impact
direct and indirect impactDirect and indirect impact

This article is part of our 2023 Impact Report

Download the full report