Avison Young 2023 Impact Report

Our strategy

It’s been a year since we launched our global strategy, and we’re so proud to share our journey with you. In this section, our CEO Mark Rose, COO Martin Dockrill and Global ESG Director Jon Gibson share their perspectives on our journey so far, why being transparent is so important to us and what we’re looking forward to in the future.

From the CEO

At Avison Young, we believe that our responsibility extends beyond our day-to-day to include the well-being of our planet and the communities we serve. Hear more from Mark Rose, our CEO.

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Reflections: our foundational progress and the opportunities ahead

Jon Gibson shares what we’ve been up to this past year adding environmental and social value for our business, communities, and our clients, and how his personal passion for the natural world led him here.

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Our priorities and progress

Our priorities and our progress

Explore our global ESG priorities and goals alongside our performance for 2023.

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UNSDG Alignment

See where our headline commitments align to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

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This article is part of our 2023 Impact Report

Download the full report