Karina Rico photographed by Bethany Mollenkof of Women Photograph
Diversity, equity and inclusion wordmark for Avison Young Conexion ERG

Celebrating connection and community

Meet Conexión founder Karina Rico (Regional Director, Marketing, West U.S.) and learn what founding this ERG really means to her.

Why are you passionate about inclusion and Conexión?

My passion for inclusion is rooted in my personal journey and the belief that everyone deserves a space to feel valued and understood, regardless of their heritage and background. As a first- generation Mexican American, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges and triumphs of bridging cultural divides.

My parents immigrated from Mexico in the mid-1960s, intending to stay in the U.S. for only one year to save money for a home in their hometown of Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato. One year turned into a few years, and four kids later, the rest is history.

My experiences growing up have instilled in me a strong sense of community, belonging, and understanding of the importance of inclusivity and representation. In the workplace, fostering a sense of community is vital. It not only enhances team cohesion and morale but also drives innovation and success.

“We focused on the concept of ’connection‘— not only connecting with individuals from similar backgrounds, but also connecting with our allies and supporters, with our clients, and aligning with our company’s core values.”Karina Rico, Regional Director, Marketing, West U.S.
Karina Rico
photographed by Bethany Mollenkof
of Women Photograph

What’s special about your group’s name?

We wanted a name that encapsulated the essence of our mission.

We focused on the concept of “connection”—not only connecting with individuals from similar backgrounds, but also connecting with our allies and supporters, with our clients, and aligning with our company’s core values.

What are your group’s superpowers?

Our ‘superpower’ lies in our ability to create moments that resonate deeply with our Conexión members and allies. We are delighted to share that the events we’ve run so far have been very well-received providing a unique blend of levity and cultural education for attendees. We love hearing that our events offer a different dimension and bring a refreshing change to the typical workday while at the same time, sharing knowledge and insights into the Hispanic and Latino community and our culture.

Our groups are all about creating impact. What kind of impact or legacy does Conexión want to have in general?

Conexión aspires to evolve into a group that not only supports our members internally, but also opens doors to opportunities with Avison Young clients. Our goal is to create a lasting impact by bridging connections between diverse talents and business opportunities. By becoming a valuable resource within our company and for our clients, we aim to leave a legacy of inclusivity, collaboration, and professional development that benefits all stakeholders.

How has being in Conexión made your experience at Avison Young better or different?

When we proposed the idea behind Conexión to our executive and senior leadership team, including Mark Rose, Pam Mazza and Harry Klaff, we were incredibly moved by their support. Their enthusiastic backing demonstrated that we are truly “Powered by People.” It has given me a sense of purpose and belonging, and demonstrates that the organization values and invests in diversity and inclusion. This experience has reinforced my belief in the power of groups like this to create meaningful connections and drive positive change within the workplace.

“Our goal is to make Conexión a force in sourcing business opportunities, recruiting, and retaining diverse talent, and showcasing the endless opportunities here.”Karina Rico, Regional Director, Marketing, West U.S.
Karina Rico
photographed by Bethany Mollenkof
of Women Photograph

Can you tell me about a time or moment when Conexión really made you feel happy, appreciated or supported?

We are extremely grateful for our outstanding Conexión Advisory Council, whose support has been instrumental in launching Conexión and driving our events and campaigns over these past two years. We would like to extend our thanks to Brandon Magdaleno, Andrea Mead, Sandra Hill, Jena Cervantes, Yansy Naranjo, Laura Baranda, Laura Andino, and Carlos De La Isla for their invaluable contributions. We also appreciate the support of our founding sponsors Nick Slonek and Chris Cooper who backed our efforts from day one.

Looking back, it’s hard to pinpoint just one moment that stands out, but these are definitely a few of the biggest highlights for me:

  • Hosting our first kick-off call in May 2022, which was exhilarating and had incredible turnout.
  • Our Día de los Muertos virtual baking tutorial class.
  • Our Cafecito conversation with former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Antonio Garza.

These events, and many more, have made me feel deeply appreciated and supported. Celebrating traditions, embracing diversity, and contributing to the enrichment of our culture are values we hold dear at Avison Young. I look forward to continuing to create meaningful events that bring people together.

What are you most looking forward to as Conexión continue to have impact?

We are in the “toddler years” of growing Conexión, and the potential for our impact excites us. We envision Conexión becoming a powerful network, resonating internally, and influencing the CRE industry externally. Our goal is to make Conexión a force in sourcing business opportunities, recruiting, and retaining diverse talent, and showcasing the endless opportunities here.

This article is part of our 2023 Impact Report

Download the full report