Community impact

Is your city built on a strong (social) foundation?

Four questions to consider during your next redevelopment project

When cities engage their people, they perform better.

Community-driven and -centered cities are more vibrant, and naturally showcase a broader range of development and amenities that keep people engage and coming back for more.

Keep your community members at the heart of your project processes with this set of four questions.

1.Photography by
Charles De Luvio
courtesy of Unsplash

Have I identified and interviewed all possible stakeholder groups before creating my action plan?

Before diving into your next big redevelopment, make sure all who will be impacted (positively and negatively) have a voice, from the very beginning. People are often more excited about things they have a hand in shaping.

2.Photography by
LinkedIn Sales Solutions
courtesy of Unsplash

Once all groups have been interviewed, have I based action plans on the key priorities my stakeholder groups identified?

Make your stakeholders feel heard. Form plans rooted in the critical insights gathered from interview conversations.

3.Photography by
Hivan Arvizu
courtesy of Unsplash

Where could I test possible solutions, and how can the community continue to weigh in on impact as we determine what will work best?

Where possible, start small, test, and then scale what resonates most with your community. Implement additional rounds of interviews to see what works well – and what misses the mark – with your key groups of interest.

4.Photography by
Robert Bye
courtesy of Unsplash

Who else in the public sector have we considered partnering with to take project activations to the next level?

Who else across your public sector could enhance or improve your action plans for the better? Consider looping them in. When it makes sense, make their voices part of your feedback loop, and create even more value within the community.

Discover more ways your city can improve vitality through social value creation, including our Impact Framework, in our Drivers of Change thought piece, Revitalizing the social core of the city.

This article is part of our 2023 Impact Report

Download the full report