The Vancouver team during the 2023 edition of the Day of Giving
Community impact

A decade of making good things happen

Last September, we marked the tenth anniversary of our Annual Day of Giving.

This annual event is a highlight in the calendar for all our staff, but more significantly it brings our people together to impact positive change in local communities. The day demonstrates our culture of giving back and through action and partnership with key organizations, our staff worked to advance sustainability, equity, and health and most importantly to improve the lives of others.

Each office chooses a community volunteer project(s) that aligns with the specific needs in their region.

As Avison Young continues to expand in markets and size across the globe, our impact from Day of Giving grows too (we’ve racked up 78,000 hours and counting!).

“Our annual Day of Giving brings together two of the things that really make Avison Young special – our people and positive impacts,” said Mark E. Rose, Avison Young’s Chair and CEO. “2023 marked a full decade of our Annual Day of Giving commitment. As we grow, we elevate our global impact. This isn’t about writing a check; this is about doing the work while experiencing and improving our places and communities. We are proud to support local organizations and look forward to doing it for another ten years.”

The Paris team during the 2023 edition of the Day of Giving

In 2023, our Day of Giving involved:


staff who volunteered their time across the globe


offices took part across North America, the U.K., and Continental Europe.


hours to help their local communities, (up from 5,200 in 2022).


community organizations and charities of all kinds

Canada: Team members made an impact by helping to clean up their communities and volunteer with local food banks and organizations that support children, seniors, needy families, and people experiencing homelessness.

France: Colleagues in Paris supported an organization called Forest Cleaning, spending the day cleaning a forest in a suburb of Paris, which was great for team building as well as creating a positive impact.

Germany: Staff from our Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg, and Düsseldorf offices participated in different projects within their respective cities. They helped to renovate areas of a senior citizens home (Caritas St. Johannes Senior Center) in Berlin, improve the outdoor area of a children’s home (Eulerstrasse Children’s Aid Center), worked with the Bienen- Baum-Gut e.V. Association in Frankfurt to improve their outdoor area and supported a local foodbank, Burger-Helfen-Burgern e.V in Hamburg, by preparing and distributing food to those in need.

U.K.: Team members volunteered in a wide variety of projects, supporting charities as well as clients to help create positive impacts across the UK. From charity shop work, supporting food and baby banks, schools projects, improving community buildings/spaces and litter picking, staff gave back more than 3,400 hours of time.

U.S.: Almost 40 offices across the U.S. engaged in a variety of service activities including volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and The Salvation Army, as well as teaming up with local charities including food banks and community clean-ups.

The Vancouver team during the 2023 edition of the Day of Giving

Kitsilano House, Vancouver, Canada

The Vancouver office, joined forces with Sherwin Williams volunteer at Kitsilano Neighbourhood House, which is a vital community hub offering a wide range of programs, services and support for local families and people of all ages.

85 staff spent the day providing a much needed clean up and refurbishment of key spaces within the centre, including revitalising the children’s play area, which was cleaned, re-mulched and landscaped, providing an updated welcoming and clean space for the children to enjoy. Staff also helped with painting, re-upholstering furniture, installing acoustic panels, general cleaning and organizing, and also handling some minor carpentry work, building cabinets.

The efforts of the team, allowed the neighbourhood house to continue providing their much-needed services to the local community, and as a result Avison Young was awarded Kitsilano’s Good Neighbours Corporate Award for 2023.

The Greenville team during the 2023 edition of the Day of Giving

Habitat for Humanity, Charleston, South Carolina, Greenville and New Jersey, U.S.

Staff from several offices across the U.S., including Charleston, South Carolina, Greenville, and New Jersey supported Habitat for Humanity, a charity which brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

Our staff supported Habitat for Humanity’s work to build and improve spaces that people can call home. They helped with paining and a yard clean- up in Morristown, New Jersey, assisted with the building of a new house in West Greenville, and contributed to the construction of a stable home for a senior citizen in Charleston currently living in a sub-standard trailer, by helping with groundworks and laying foundations.

The efforts of our teams helped to refurbish and improve existing homes and create new homes for local people desperately in need of more suitable dwellings.

Members of the U.K. team during the 2023 edition of the Day of giving

Sue Ryder, U.K.

Sue Ryder is a key client of our retail team in the UK. The palliative care and bereavement charity has a network of charity shops across the UK, which help to raise funds to support the charity’s vital work, providing end-of-life care and supporting those who are grieving.

On our 2023 Day of Giving almost 70 staff showed up to work in 29 stores across the U.K. Collectively they volunteered 400 hours of their time to sort stock, clean, display items and serve customers. Staff also took additional donations with them, including two van loads of donated items people had brought into our Gresham Street office.

This article is part of our 2023 Impact Report

Download the full report