Samantha Saunders
Regional Marketing Director, U.S. South Region | U.S. – Atlanta
- Ligne principale +1.404.865.3663
- Ligne directe +1.404.865.3676
- Fax +1.404.865.3689
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- Atlanta
- 1230 Peachtree Street NE
- Suite 3400
Atlanta, GA 30309 United States
Samantha is the Marketing Manager for the Atlanta Office supporting top producing brokers in a marketing capacity. She is responsible for driving all marketing efforts out of the Atlanta office, preparing cutting edge marketing materials and developing successful marketing strategies.
Samantha was previously an Affinity Group Coordinator providing administrative support to all of Avison Young's Affinity Groups.
Prior to joining Avison Young, Samantha was a manager for J.Crew, a national brand retailer, at their Southeast flagship store responsible for all aspects of store operations and manager of the Crewcuts store within a store.