Anne Sparks
Associate Director, Real Estate Management Services
Gestion immobilière
- Ligne principale +1 919 785 3434
- Ligne directe +1 919 420 1550
- Cellulaire +1 925 856 7432
- Courriel anne.sparks@avisonyoung.com
- Raleigh-Durham
- 5440 Wade Park Blvd
- Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27607 USA
Anne Sparks brings an impressive background to our team with over 20 years’ experience in property and asset management at a variety of large to mid-size commercial real estate firms in the San Francisco Bay area. During her career she has overseen many projects totaling more than 6 million square feet (msf), including downtown class-A high rises, a portfolio of industrial class-B space, retail properties, commercial owners associations and suburban low-rise campuses. Management teams under her leadership have excelled and won multiple awards in sustainability, tenant relations and revenue generation for owners and investors.
Anne started her own third-party property management firm, Next Play Consulting, LLC, which had over 36 buildings and 1.5 msf under management. Next Play was created in response to a former tenant’s need for property management and doubled in size over five years. Anne led the 100% woman-owned business enterprise and 100% LGBTQ-owned firm — closing the doors in 2021 to return to the East Coast.
Anne has twice been awarded property management’s pinnacle international award: The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY) from BOMA International and has led over 20 LEED Operations and Maintenance, Commercial Interiors and Sustainable Sites projects.
Affiliations et certifications
- Davidson College, Davidson, NC, Bachelor of Arts
- United States Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED AP in LEED Operations and Maintenance, since 2007
- Building Owners and Managers Institute (BOMI), RPA, FMA, BOMI-HP, LEED
- Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation
- CA and NC broker licenses
- Past president and former board member of BOMA-Oakland/East Bay
- Board and alliance member of CREATE (Taught for CREATE at local colleges and developed curriculum for the property management course.)
- Content Curator, CRECI (Exam question writer and question reviewer for CMCP designation)
- President of the Carrboro High School Athletic Booster Club