Avison Young est propulsée par son caractère humain. C’est avec passion et engagement que nous générons des retombées économiques, environnementales et sociales partout où nous travaillons. Nous sommes heureux de partager les progrès que nous avons faits au cours de cette année civile.

Ce rapport résume notre performance et les points de vue de nos gens sur les sujets qui comptent le plus pour nous : l’action climatique, la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’effet sur la collectivité.

Au fil de notre progression, nous continuerons de partager nos défis, nos apprentissages et nos accomplissements. Nous faisons cela dans un esprit de transparence et de collaboration, sachant que plus nous partageons, plus loin nous irons ensemble.

Téléchargez notre rapport d'impact 2023

Téléchargez le rapport complet

Our strategy and performance

Year after year, our Impact Report is a purposeful reminder of our continued commitment to creating environmental and social value in everything we do. Our leaders are passionate about the sustainability work we are doing for good reason – we’ve made exciting strides forward and know we are building toward more impactful work to come. In this section, hear from our CEO Mark Rose and Global ESG Director Jon Gibson as they share their reflections on 2023 and hopes for the future.

We also set out our global priorities and goals alongside how we’re doing and some of the highlights. Plus, we’ve outlined the impact and influence we have to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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Our strategic priorities

Explore our progress and perspectives on our strategic priorities. Hear from our business leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on how we’re creating impact in each of these areas.

Climate action and urban resilience

See how we’re tracking toward reducing emissions to meet our net zero target, how we’re embracing green buildings and helping our clients manage risk, reward and resiliency.

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Diversity, equity and inclusion

An overview of our goals and progress for talent attraction and knowledge, DE&I, employee engagement, wellbeing and sustainable living.

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Community impact

In this section, we have set goals and objectives to help us make a positive impact on the communities we operate in. 

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In partnership: Women Photograph

For the second year in a row, Avison Young has partnered with Women Photograph and engaged some of their incredible photojournalists to capture more powerful portraits of our people, and keep shining a light on gender equity – a shared challenge for both our industries.

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About our company

We’re global commercial real estate advisors. Our firm is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. There are 5,000 of us operating in 18* countries across the globe.

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