Stephen Cowperthwaite

Principal & Managing Director, Liverpool
Commerces de détail Ventes et location Location de commerces de détail

Stephen is Managing Director Liverpool and has over 30 years’ experience in the property industry. Having specialised in retail and leisure, Stephen provides wider consultancy advice on a variety of major mixed-use schemes and specialises in leading multi-disciplinary teams on complex projects.

Stephen plays a leading role on Town Centre Repurposing, working with local authorities, owners, investors, asset managers and developers, and is currently leading the team appointed by Sefton Council as their Strand Transformation Advisor.

Stephen chairs the Liverpool Place Partnership, a private sector collective across the property and professional services, showcasing the city of Liverpool to deliver investment to the region. An important element is collaborating with the public sector, advocating for investments and narrating the national and international discussion about place making.